This weekend (Sept. 8th & 9th) Adventure Sports Center International, known to locals as ASCI, will be hosting the Deep Creek Open and the US National Championship in Canoe Slalom. The competition is open to paddelers from around the globe, including those who competed in this past summers Olympic Games. This event will feature both white water canoeing and kayaking.
ASCI's man-made river channel (located at the top of Wisp Resort in Deep Creek Lake, MD) is the world's only mountaintop whitewater course, and can be enjoyed by beginners, families and paddling enthusiasts. Check out their Hompage at for other upcoming events or to plan a guided rafting trip.
Nice event, it must have been amazing to see Olympic athletes do what they do best. The guided rafting trips sound like a spectacular way to spend a day; it's good to know there are courses for beginners like myself. I have always wanted to attempt a whitewater adventure. Good information.